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Join us in THINC Lab for this lecture and discussion series covering a range of issues and topics in digital humanities.

Winter 2020 DigiCafé Series are all CANCELLED

Decolonizing the Digital: Cultures of Connectivity in the Latin American Web (Virtual Seminar)

Speaker: Cecily Raynor, McGill University
Date: Monday, March 9
Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

They Sell_What?_Studying the Trade of Human Remains on Social Media (Virtual Seminar)

Speaker: Shawn Graham, Carleton University
Date: Wednesday, March 18 – CANCELLED
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

Unseen Hands: On Gendered Technological Design and Women’s Creative/Critical Responses

Poster depicting hands in the air and a headshot of Lai-Tze Fan

Speaker: Lai-Tze Fan, University of Waterloo
Date: Friday, March 20 – CANCELLED
Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

“Relational Presence:” Designing Virtual Reality in the Digital Oral Histories for Reconciliation Project

Grid with 12 pictures with tree, 3 people walking towards a house, cobble stones.

Speaker: Jennifer Roberts-Smith with Kristina Llewellyn, University of Waterloo
Date: Wednesday, March 25 – CANCELLED
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

Knowing Machines: Information Behaviour Meets Autonomous Systems

Picture of Michael Ridley

The study of machine information behaviour asks: how do ubiquitous algorithmic decision-making systems “need, seek, manage, give, and use information in different contexts?”

Michael Ridley is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University, a Postgraduate Affiliate at the Vector Institute, and a former Chief Librarian & Chief Information Officer at the University of Guelph.

Date: Thursday, March 5
Time: 3:30pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

The Fight to Take Down ‘The Big Indian’: Digital Humanities and its use in social justice work (Virtual Seminar)

Picture of Ariel Beaujot standing in front of an Indian statue.

Ariel Beaujot will talk about how her work in Wisconsin has contributed to the movement to take down a racially insensitive statue, addressing how public history and digital humanities can help change municipal policy.

Ariel Beaujot is Visiting Associate Professor at Western University, Associate Professor of Public History at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, and the Executive Director of the Digital Humanities project Hear, Here. 

This talk is part of the Virtual DH Seminar series with the Universities of Montréal and Ottawa.

Date: Thursday, February 27
Time: 2:30pm
Location: (Hosted from) THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

Communities of Words: Categories, Lists and Text Analysis (Virtual Seminar)

Speaker: Geoffrey Rockwell, Texas A & M
Date: Thursday, February 13
Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

Fall 2019 DIGIcafé Series

Art and Antiquities CSI

Dr Susan Douglas University of Guelph (SoFAM)

In many countries, the task of a police force’s art and antiquities processing unit is recovery of stolen property, surveillance and protection of museums, libraries, archeological and heritage sites and monitoring activities of the art market and internet sites such as eBay. Italy’s Carabinieri TPC have been using the technological tool ‘Leonardo’ reportedly containing over a million stolen items ranging from ancient coins to artworks and books, with images for over half of them in contrast to Interpol’s ‘Work of Art’ database with just over 45,000 items. Such databases facilitate the recovery of stolen artworks and Dr Douglas explains how the combination of advanced technology and close international cooperation produces the best results for art law.

Dr Susan Douglas lectures on Cultural Heritage and Art Crimes in SoFAM, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on 21st Century Museums and Digital Art History. She is the Graduate Coordinator of the Art History and Visual Culture Master’s Programme and a noted author who has delivered lectures at more than seventy conferences worldwide.

Date: Thursday, October 3
Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

Winter 2019 DIGIcafé Series

Indigeneity + Digital Humanities (Virtual Seminar)

Jennifer Guiliano Indiana University

This seminar features Jennifer Guiliano of Indiana University as she discusses Indigeneity + Digital Humanities.

Date: Thursday, March 14
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

Register here.

Predicting the End of the World: Reasons to be Cheerful in Digital Map History

Leif Isaksen University of Exeter

This seminar explores the ways in which digital methodologies allow us to re-interpret the two oldest extant world maps – the map of Claudius Ptolemy, and the Peutinger Map – by (literally) reframing the question.

Date: Friday, March 15
Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

Register here.

What Infrastructure Assumes: Digital Humanities and Critical Infrastructure Studies

In this talk, Alan Liu positions the digital humanities in relation to current “critical infrastructure studies.” What have been the main approaches to and influences on the study of infrastructure that now makes it of such compelling social, cultural, and humanistic—as well as technical and politico-economic—interest? How does digital humanities infrastructure contribute to that larger frame of concern? Liu concludes by thinking generally about infrastructural agency and its mode of being in common with human and other beings. Infrastructure is assumed, but it also assumes. What do digital humanists assume in positioning their work as partly, but crucially, infrastructural?

Alan Liu University of California (Santa Barbara)

Date: Thursday, March 7
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Register here.

BigDIVA: Nourishing and Sustaining a Scholarly Infrastructure Built from the Ground Up (Digicafé virtual seminar)

Laura Mandell Texas A & M

As part of a series of seminars with the University of Ottawa and Université de Montréal, the Digicafé Series presents Laura Mandell of Texas A&M on “BigDIVA: Nourishing and Sustaining a Scholarly Infrastructure Built from the Ground Up.”  This talk will be live-streamed from UdeM.

Date: Thursday, February 28
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

Register here:

We Have This Space Problem: 

Visualizing the Many Dimensions of the Kissinger Correspondence


Micki Kaufman (CUNY)

As the capability for rendering complex, immersive multi-dimensional data visualizations has evolved, the contributions of data, interactivity, visual design and animation, sound and related audio and visual media have expanded the forms of historical research and interpretation. Micki’s dissertation, “Everything on Paper Will Be Used Against Me: Quantifying Kissinger” is an historical text, data and network analysis of the National Security Archive’s Kissinger Collection, a curated set of transcripts comprising over 18,600 of the former US National Security Advisor and Secretary of State’s telephone conversations and memoranda from 1968-1977. 


Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Location: THINC Lab, McLaughlin Library, 2nd Floor

Register here.

Fall 2018 DigiCafé Series

DigiCafe Lecture Fall 2018

Title: Exploring Vocabulary for Madness in English, 1400-1800Date: Thursday,October 25Time: 330pm

Location: THINC Lab
Speaker: Heather Froehlich, Penn State UniversityRegister here: